Ravinia Neighbors Association IN-PERSON Board Meeting @ Jeff Cohen Photography, 485 Roger Williams Avenue, Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.


Attendees: Ed Kugler, Richard Rosenberg, Jeff Stern, Bonnie Wegner, Brett Toplin,

Michael Babian, John Schuck, Jeff Cohen, Doug Purington

1. Presidents Report ( Ed Kugler in for Noah Plotkin) opened to residents, no


2. Treasures Report: Checking: $5662.46, CD $6359.47, Paypal : $684.50, Total

Balance $12706.43. Payment over $50: State graphics $331.13, $250 to Kim Stroz,

RNA audit last week on Thursday with Ed Kugler, Mike Babian & Jeff Levin:

Everything is in good order. There is a new payment to be issued to Doug for $38.

3. Doug / Publicity Report: “One new member, since last meeting. $5250 for this year.

In May we will start up again acquiring new members and getting old members back.

Spoke with Michael again at Abigails to apply for some money from the city to open for

Lunch again, but they were only interested in bigger buildouts. I asked for information

to send out info on his behalf.”

- Fluffy Bunny is still waiting for approvals

- Dollop Diner cafe is slated to open in the Spring, work has yet to begin, across from

the Braeside train station.

- New Restaurant at 565 Roger williams is coming after City Council Approval.

- Newsletter update, fall issue published in November. Spring 2025 newsletter will

be published in April. Content & Ads due March 31st. Jeff Stern will interview


- Plan to interview Kris Walker & Jeff Hoobler on the transition to Steep Ravine.

4. Previous Action Items:

- HP Chamber? Table to next meeting.

5. Winter Farmers Market (Ed) 14-17 Vendors each week at the Wayfare Theatre for

the winter market has been successful so far! The Market is being promoted on the

Electric Sign between now - April thanks to Ghida and the City. The Market runs every

Saturday from 10:00am - 2:00pm from now until April 2025. Rotation of different

vendors each week, some are part time / some are full time.

6. New Ideas; Local merchants openings their spaces up for new synergy between the

neighborhood and the business. RNA can help to promote new businesses that open

in the district. Have more independent social meetings at Yana’s, Happy Sushi, Steep

Ravine, Abigails, Viaggios, ect.


Ravinia Neighbors Association IN-PERSON Board Meeting @ Jeff Cohen Photography, 485 Roger Williams Avenue, Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.